The 3 CIRCELS, called “SNOWMAN”, are a symbol of man and his training path to self-knowledge and development of consciousness.
The term “SNOWMAN” originated in the classroom at the Waldorf School where Selma Aldinger taught the SNOWMAN for ten years in the upper grades. When she drew her experience in the Japanese Zen monastery, which led her to her teaching of the 3 CIRCLES, on the blackboard as a representation of three circles standing on top of each other, the students shouted: “A snowman”. Here, the lower, empty or white, 1st CIRCLE represents the primordial ground (represented in the lower abdomen). The middle, 2nd CIRCLE with brown filling represents the feelings (represented in the heart and upper belly space) and the upper, 3rd CIRCLE with brown filling represents the thoughts (represented in the head space).
The brown filling of the thought and the feeling CIRCEL symbolizes thereby the sensual, personal space and the white, 1st CIRCLE the supersensual, transpersonal, formless and infinite space. The brown filling of the two upper (1st, 2nd) CIRLES is a symbol for the possible identification with the (stressful) present, the past and/or the future. The white or the emptiness of the lower, 1st CIRCLE symbolises the free present.

Through conscious breathing in connection with the different spaces of the body, we can free ourselves from negative, burdening thoughts and feelings, supply ourselves with new, fresh energy and consciously perceive the present in all its fullness.
The SCHNEEMANN EXERCISE leads to accepting thoughts and feelings, transforming them and thereby becoming free of them in order to gain access to the primordial ground (1st CIRCLE).
With the consistent daily performance of the exercise, it becomes a part of everyday life. A habit develops that enriches our lives as an everyday ritual. The exercise helps to consciously deal with personal life processes and to accept them and thereby become free.